Monday, December 31, 2007
Yo!!its new year Eve !!half an hour more to 2008!!Yeah!well,first of i wish u a very happy new year and many good happenings aheah!!Happy new year!!
time:11.30!!half an hour more !!to2008!! GD BYE!!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Hi i found Some photos and feel like uploading them so..........
ENJOY!! haha chamaine's hands!!

nice huh?

Aww ain't it sweet!!remeber mE!! to invite me to ur wedding !!

The Whole GAng
Alden And Chen Chu Tong!

Me and brayan!!

Read it!!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Late Merry X'Mas everyone!yesterday my mum and my sis and i went to my grand mum hse to celebrate.its always the same every year,the sane old routine....go there talk and chat then later dinner,got turkey,ham,bacon,Curry chicken,black pepper cabs,tiramisu,lasagna and whatsoever......but of course every year got different food..then after eating i went to take a look at my present and i found i got 6 presents!!!after a few minutes of talking crap,we went over to take our presents,then open 3 of them,inside got chocolates,CD disk and 1 B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L- and i loved it,then 1 of my aunties forgot to give my present so she give me 30$..nt i can get 7 present T_T...oh well then later of course we went home.....allright i will tell u my 3 other presents when i open it up......allright gtg
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Corrina thx again for helping me add the songs ^^.sry 4 the late thx.....
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
here again posting,,
Juz created a new maple acc coz my pervious acc was hacked by some a*sh*le now only like i think lvl 9 and so broke,wonder hu hack my acc??? *SIGN*nvm
Saturday, December 8, 2007
hi guys gettin sick here....
i dunno wats rong with GUNZ i can't get in......nvm juz taking the bitter medicine everyday.......ok i'lll get going cya
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Hi people sry 4 not posting 4 a long time..i was rather bz these few days.i dunno y these few i feel like wanting to go to school lol.....
i went out most of the time so i had no time to post sry 4 that.oops gtg bb...